WHO: Bobby Singer, Ellen Harvelle, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester. WHERE: Room 300. WHEN: Shortly after Ellen defiles Bobby's room with glitter. WHAT: Time to piece another Winchester back together.
Who: Ellen Harvelle & ? Where: The Carnival, the shooting gallery specifically When: midday What: Ellen's having a bit of fun, and bugging a friend - come admire her shooting skills, or critique them?
Who: Martha Jones, Bobby Singer, Handy, Jack Harkness? Where: The Lab When: Directly after the chaotic Save Handy thread. What: Martha keeps vigil over Handy. Bobby watches.
Who: Bobby Singer, Dean Winchester, Handy, Eliot Spencer, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness. Where: The med lab. When: Immediately following Handy's capture. What: Tending injuries and testing for crazy
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Who: Eliot Spencer, Handy, Martha Jones, Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer. (Others) Where: Racing down the halls. When: Immediately following this thread. What: Trying to capture Handy before he or someone else gets hurt. Again
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Who: Martha Jones and Whomever When: While wandering the cornfields of Illinois hoping to tell her stories of the Doctor to people, Martha Jones finds herself in a desert. Where: Hotel Lobby What: Entrance Post